“Rokh” Wins Top Documentary Prize at 46th Moscow International Film Festival

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“Rokh” Wins Top Documentary Prize at 46th Moscow International Film Festival

“Rokh,” directed by Sam Kalantari, has won the top documentary prize at its first international appearance, the Moscow International Film Festival.

According to the film’s producer, Arash Sadeghi, the film is distributed by White Dreams Pictures, led by Mastaneh Mohajer, and this success could be a great start for the documentary’s international presence at other festivals.

Director Sam Kalantari spoke about the audience’s reaction at the festival, saying: “They were deeply impressed by the film’s form, structure, and storytelling style, and this was very moving for me, Arash Sadeghi, and Mastaneh Mohajer as the editor.”

“Rokh” is a free-form interpretation of the life and dreams of the great Iranian surrealist painter Ali Akbar Sadeghi.

The film’s international distribution is handled by White Dreams Pictures Company.

Director: Sam Kalantari

Writer and Producer: Sam Kalantari and Arash Sadeghi

Editor: Mastaneh Mohajer

Sound Recordist: Ensieh Maleki

Cinematographer: Reza Teymouri

Assistant Director and Planner: Rasa Sheikh

Executive Producers: Ali Akbar Sadeghi Foundation and Ashkan Sadeghi The film was written and co-produced by Sam Kalantari and Arash Sadeghi.

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