”The Last Day” Competes at the Prestigious Busan International Film Festival

WDP Blog

”The Last Day” Competes at the Prestigious Busan International Film Festival

Short Film The Last Day Selected for the Wide Angle Section of the 29th Busan International Film Festival

We are pleased to announce that the short film The Last Day, directed by Farzad Samimi and starring Pantea Panahiha and Payam Ahmadi Nia, has been selected as one of the short films in the Asian Short Film Competition, “Wide Angle,” at the 29th Busan International Film Festival.

The “Wide Angle” section of the Busan International Film Festival is dedicated to showcasing a diverse range of narrative and documentary short films that present unique and distinctive perspectives. The Last Day will proudly represent Iranian cinema in this competitive section.

The 29th Busan International Film Festival will be held from October 4 to 13, 2024, with the 19th Asian Contents & Film Market running parallel from October 8 to 11, focusing on industry networking and development.

The international distribution of The Last Day is managed by White Dreams Pictures, under the direction of Ms. Mastaneh Mohajer.

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