The documentary “Rokh,” directed by Sam Kalantari and produced by Arash Sadeghi, made its global debut at the 46th Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), held...
The prestigious 4th Annaba Mediterranean Film Festival (AMFF) commenced in Algeria on April 24th , and Iranian editor, producer, and WDP company director Mastaneh Mohajer...
The short film “Two Lives of Sepideh,” written, directed, and produced by Soha Niasti, has been selected for the 20th Akbank Istanbul Short Film Festival,...
After 2004’s ‘ A Dirty Shame’, the master of all things transgressive is set to return to the director’s chair with an adaptation of his...
Here is our Top 10 from this year’s Berlin International Film Festival – keep an eye out for these gems. The Berlin International Film Festival’s...
The filmmaker, who won the Palme d’Or for 1977’s ‘Padre Padrone’ and the Golden Bear for for 2012’s ‘Caesar Must Die’, was a towering cinematic...