Where stories come to life. Ignite your imagination with our cinematic masterpieces.

Editor’s Picks

A timeless tale of family, unfolding through the generations. Experience the power of The Generations.

Enter the haunting world of Darkness Lisa, where secrets unravel and darkness takes hold.

Embark on an inspiring journey of dreams, and self-discovery in The Pursuit of Dreams.

The Iranian-Turkish film “While Time Flows”, produced   by veteran Iranian editor and producer Mastaneh Mohajer, has completed filming in Turkey and is now ready...

Exciting news! Partnering with the innovative Turkish director Selim Evci as a producer, and embarking on a new collaboration with the legendary poet, Nuri Bilge...

“In Praise of Life,” is nearing completion. The documentary, produced by Mastaneh Mohajer, explores the artistic journeys of prominent Iranian figures Abbas Kiarostami, Mohammad Ahsayi,...

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WDP Studio

4th floor No.
248 West farmaniyeh,
Tehran, Iran

Central Office


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